Glad Tidings of Good Things (June 23, 2016)

Loaded with Blessings Daniel Defoe gave good advice through his fictitious character Robinson Crusoe. The first thing that Crusoe did when he found himself on a deserted island was to make a list. On one side of...

Beatitudes for Teachers

Blessed are the teachers who set a good example before their students in all things: for they are worthy members of a great calling Blessed are the teachers who know their subject: for their students...

Are We Bringing Our Children Up or Down?

Rules for Bringing Up a Child: Make home the brightest and most attractive place we can. Make him responsible for helping in some daily duties at home. Never punish in anger nor to relieve...

Glad Tidings of Good Things (June 16, 2016)

Fishing from the Asphalt Herb Miller, in his book Fishing on the Asphalt*, writes that the average church member has listened to 6,000 sermons, heard 8,000 prayers, sung 20,000 hymns over and over, and asked zero...

Do I Have to Go to Church?

Through the years, I have often had people ask me the question, “Do I have to go to all of the services of the church? I mean, what if I don’t go on Sunday night?” Well, allow me to answer that question with a few questions of my own...

The Shredder

A young engineer who graduated with distinction was leaving the office at 3:45 p.m. when he found the acting CEO standing in front of a shredder with a piece of paper in his hand...

Keep Your Fork

A woman was diagnosed with terminal illness and given three months to live. She asked her preacher to come by her house to discuss her funeral...

10 Ways To Tell You are Getting Old

A merry heart doeth good like a medicine. - Proverbs 17:22

10 Phrases to Avoid

Oh be careful little mouth what you say...

Sermons We Can See

I'd rather see a sermon than to hear one any day...