The Privilege of Knowing God

Paul confided, “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have...

Evidences of Jesus’ Death

As strange as it may sound, some unbelievers—in order to get around the miracle of the resurrection—have denied that Jesus actually died on the cross. Let’s explore the evidence… The precipitate cause of Jesus’ death...

What’s So Great About Following Jesus?

Jesus gives hope—the hope of eternal life. Unlike many people who stumble through life with no direction, Christians have a goal, and a way to accomplish that goal. Faithful saints know they are headed toward an incomparable...

The Same Seed, The Same Plant

The seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11).  It makes no difference how long that seed has been stored. Even if it was preserved from a crop a thousand years ago, wherever and whenever...
Cross in Colca Canyon in Peru

The Paradox of the Cross

The cross of Christ is the greatest of all paradoxes. It was the most tragic event in the history of the world, yet the most wonderful thing that ever happened. It was the saddest...

28 Things We Need to Know About God

1. God is self-existent and eternal; He had no beginning and will have no end (Genesis 1:1; 21:33; Isaiah 40:28; Psalm 90:2). 2. God is the creator of all things, including mankind (Genesis 1:1–2:1; Exodus...

Destined for Greatness

To outsiders, the church may appear insignificant, but Jesus, the architect of the church, knows this structure is destined for heaven.

The Historical Jesus

There is more evidence for the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth (c. 4 bc–ad 30) than any other person of antiquity.  There are more than 5,500 Greek manuscripts and thousands of copies of the New...

What Jesus Said About Divorce

While He made an exception for the injured person to remarry when a spouse cheats (Matthew 19:9), Jesus gave four reasons divorce was never God’s plan.

Why did Jesus first refuse, and then drink the vinegar offered at the cross?

It was the custom of the Romans to offer a man being crucified drugged wine so that he might more easily endure his cross. Jesus refused the wine, however...