Star Performer on the Winter Circuit

Go almost anywhere in the suburbs or the country, and you will see chickadees. A full-grown chickadee seldom weighs more than half an ounce, about the weight of an ordinary letter. Inside that tiny...

The Privilege of Knowing God

Paul confided, “For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have...

We Are Wonderfully Made

Over the past two decades, I have had numerous occasions to gaze upon the internal workings of a computer. I am always amazed at the circuitry and complexity therein. An accident? Of course not!...

The Swoon Theory

According to this theory, Christ merely fainted on the cross and later revived in the grave. Thus the physical life of Jesus was not extinct but only exhausted.  Jesus was restored by the tender care...

God Leads a Pretty Sheltered Life

At the end of time, imagine billions of people scattered on a great plain before God’s throne. Some of the groups near the front talk heatedly—not with cringing fear or shame, but with belligerence.  “How...

What Jesus Said About Divorce

While He made an exception for the injured person to remarry when a spouse cheats (Matthew 19:9), Jesus gave four reasons divorce was never God’s plan.

How Can We Not Follow Him?

When Mary first held that beautiful infant, she did not have to wrestle with what He would be called. His Father (not His stepfather) had decided. He sent a messenger to the perplexed Joseph...

10 Things I Wish the World Knew About Jesus

If the church had the opportunity to preach one sermon to the whole world, what should it be? Its theme would have to be Jesus, for there is no salvation “in any other, for...

The Five Sacrifices of Calvary

The five primary offerings under Moses’ Law are explained in Leviticus 1 - 7, and should be studied in connection with the book of Hebrews. Each is a different pose of Jesus on the cross.

The Historical Jesus

There is more evidence for the historicity of Jesus of Nazareth (c. 4 bc–ad 30) than any other person of antiquity.  There are more than 5,500 Greek manuscripts and thousands of copies of the New...