How to Have a Great Marriage

How to have a great marriage Your marriage does not have to be just good; it can be great! What separates good marriages from great ones?

On the Home Front

Do It Together A Florida church holding monthly events for the entire family had trouble with parents dropping their kids off and not staying for the events. They remedied the problem with this announcement: “The...

Burnt Biscuits

A little burnt biscuit never hurt anyone!

Love Numbers

Of honeymooning couples last year, 9% had this in common. What? Answer: They brought their kids along. On their first date, 15% of married people say this happened. What? Answer: They fell in love! For Valentine’s Day dinner,...

True Love

The Bible is a book about love. It assumes that married couples love each other and rejoice together (Ecclesiastes 9:9). Isaac loved Rebekah, and she brought comfort into his life (Genesis 24:67). Uriah the Hittite nourished and cherished Bathsheba (2...

Try a Little Tenderness

As a parent, do you ever feel like all you do is say “no” to your children? Do you feel guilty for seeming to correct all the time? I do!  Sometimes I feel like a...

Take This Communication Test

Take this test with your mate. Insert your spouse’s name in the blank and answer the questions as you think your spouse sees you. (Copy this sheet if possible or keep your answers on...

6 Keys to a Good Marriage

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Thoughts for the Home

Husband for Sale Tom Brokaw of NBC News once reported a story about a Mrs. Louise Horner from Maryland, who put an ad in the local paper. It read, Husband for sale, Cheap! Comes equipped with...

Family Values

Little Children Little ears are listening; Little minds run wild; Trying to be like Mom or Dad, Comes natural for a child. They want to do the things you do, And say the things you say; They’re watching and they’re listening, Even...