What does it mean to be forgiven?

A poet defined forgiveness as “the fragrance a flower gives the foot that crushes it.” Webster has “pardon, acquittal, to cancel, remit, or give up resentment against.” Forgiveness is found only seven times in the...

When David Really Messed Up

David is one of the most popular characters in the Bible. He triumphed over a lion, a bear, and a giant. He maintained integrity while hunted like a wild animal by King Saul. He even...

Three Arguments for the Existence of God

Evolution has fashioned gods of its own design and named them Mother Nature and Father Time. James Hewitt tells of a family of mice who lived in a large piano.  In their piano-world came the music...

Once Saved, Always Saved?

Robert R. Taylor, Jr., comments that the possibility of apostasy is taught in over 2,500 places in Holy Writ. Old testament Consider a sampling from the Old Testament: "And thou, Solomon my son, know thou the...

This is Going to Sting a Little

Life has internal stings as well-broken hearts, crushed ambitions, crashed dreams. These usually smart for much longer than the kind nurses inflict. Do you ever wonder, "Why me, Lord? I'm a Christian. I walk...

Know What You Believe, and Believe What You Know

“For it is good that the heart be established by grace” (Hebrews 13:9). Reuben was as “unstable as water” and therefore would not excel (Genesis 49:4). By contrast, John the Immerser was no “reed shaken...

Seizing Opportunities to Shine the Light to Strangers

What object will we pursue this day—a paycheck, a win, a pleasure, an accolade, or a pat on the back? Perhaps all of these and others. But isn’t there something more exciting, more important, more significant, and more permanent? Yes, we can pursue a soul today!

What Jesus Told Me to Tell You

Just before returning to heaven, Jesus pointed a nail-scarred hand at a world for which He had just died and told His followers to “go.” The message they were to take was the simple gospel....

Reasons to Not Use Profanity

Profanity has become so common that many no longer consider it objectionable. It is printed in papers, used on camera, spoken in mixed company by both sexes, and used in the presence of children,...

Ten Commandments of Human Relations

1. Thou Shalt Love People, Not Just Use Them (Matthew 22:39). The greatest thing in the world is a person. The greatest thing about a person is his motives, and the greatest motive is...