is the Devil Omniscient?

The devil is not, nor can he be, omniscient. If he were omniscient, he would be God. A passage pertinent to this discussion is 1 Corinthians 2:6–8, which says, “Howbeit we speak wisdom among...

Why Doesn’t God Do Something?

A moment’s reflection shows the absurdity and impossibility of God intervening in every disaster or each time evil is about to befall one of His children. Why does God not “do something?”
Hello, i have a question

How old should a child be before he should be baptized?

Topic(s): Baptism, Children, Family, Salvation, Youth Todd Clippard When a young person should be baptized is a difficult situation. The New Testament does not speak specifically to any "age of accountability" where one could know for...
white paper with a question mark or question mark.

Who is a real Christian?

Topic(s): Church, Salvation Todd Clippard The word Christian means "one who belongs to Christ." Galatians 3:26-29 says: 26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For as many of you as...
Musical instruments

Why does the church of Christ forbid the use of instrumental music when it...

Topic(s): Bible Authority, Worship Todd Clippard I believe the first principle that must be examined in answering this question is where do we go for authority in religious matters today? God's plan for saving man and instructing...
Questions and answer concept.

Was John’s baptism for the remission of sins?

Topic(s): Salvation Todd Clippard Mark 1:4 teaches that John's baptism, during the time of its validity, was for the remission of sins. The phrase "for the remission of sins" means 'for the purpose of obtaining remission...
Question blocks

What about clapping in worship?

Topic(s): Worship Todd Clippard There is no Bible authority for clapping in worship, either in time as part of the singing, or in the form of applause. Clapping during singing is a form of percussive accompaniment. What...
Communion. Religious tradition of breaking bread. Bread and wine

What about the real presence of Jesus Christ at the communion?

Topic(s): Worship Todd Clippard If I understand the question, it asks if the communion emblems become the literal body and blood of Jesus. This doctrine is known as transubstantiation. It originated in the Catholic church around...
Find question concept

If we are baptized by the Holy Spirit, why do we need water?

Topic(s): Baptism, Salvation Todd Clippard There are too many passages pertaining to water baptism following the ascension of Christ and the establishment of the church for us to disregard the usage of water in baptism. For...

What is the Significance of “Jehovah” as God’s Name?

Names are important. It is difficult for us to conceive of things apart from their names. The many different names for God in the Bible describe and demonstrate His character.